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The Jordan Rigi Blog

Value from life you can implement daily.

Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions. In this blog I will open up my heart, soul, and mind with one goal in mind: to impact your life for the better. Enjoy the ride!


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2-Minute Gratitude Ritual That Will Change What You Have

You’re scrolling through social media, and you see all these people and the luxurious things they have. You are walking through the mall and see the nice items people are purchasing. You stop at a stoplight and the car beside you is fancier than yours. You are constantly focusing on what others have and how much you wish you had them.

Ever felt this way? I have too many a time my friends, and it’s time we cut this crap!

Studies show that people who are assessed as “materialistic” are less happy because they’re focused too much on what they WANT and not enough on what they HAVE. Epicurus summed it up well: “do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

Take a moment now to appreciate what you have!

Appreciate, when I say that I mean take a step back and recognize the FULL WORTH of the things you have. How blessed and fortunate you are to have every little thing. It doesn’t matter how expensive, nor the size, it’s the fact that you have this thing or possession and we should be grateful we have anything at all.

You see, once we stop focusing on what we DON’T have and start focusing on what we HAVE, we become grateful, we appreciate things more. It’s like the child who gets candy from their parent and cries for more. He ends up losing that candy and never gets it back. The child who savors that candy and lights up with a smile is one who will receive many more in the future! Don’t you want more candy?! More cavities?! I do!

So, take a step back. I want you to take 2-minutes and do this test! Write down the things you have and WHY you should be grateful. 2-minutes only, no more no less, then stick this somewhere visible to you every day!

Do this and I can promise, you’ll start to see things from a different light. You will see a whole new world. A whole new you. A whole new value on what you have.

Be grateful. Be happy. Be content.

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