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The Jordan Rigi Blog

Value from life you can implement daily.

Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions. In this blog I will open up my heart, soul, and mind with one goal in mind: to impact your life for the better. Enjoy the ride!


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Active Listening

Good evening peeps! Happy Monday to everyone, and hopefully your weekend was amazing:) Let me just say it was a long weekend and I am very happy to be back on my normal schedule!!


Put your smartphones down, flip your shoes off and enjoy a little reading before you hit the hay.

As the time goes by in my sales career and in my everyday life, I ask myself: What is the most important skill for a salesperson? Or better yet what is the most important skill in any career? Of course responses vary from education all the way to job experience and the list goes on and on. I will say for me I think the answer and especially pertaining to sales is this skill here: ACTIVE LISTENING. Having this skill in my eyes, sets you apart from others and for many  obvious reasons which I will explain. Now you may think this is only for sales people, and don’t think that at all. Little do you know that all of us no matter what job we are in are required to have this skill, so buckle up and soak in the words:) Don’t worry your TV will still be on in five minutes:)

Many people, sales people especially tend to have a one track mind. This idea in the back of their mind in which they know the final goal and it tends to take over and be the primary focus. While yes it is important to focus on the end, we must remember that getting to the end requires a pathway, and sometimes it isn’t just that easy. That is why I believe active listening is such a crucial key in the process to success. Below are in my mind three key things in order to help us become better not only in our jobs, but in our relationships with people and everything surrounding us.

Firstly, listen with the mindset of actually comprehending and understanding what the other person is speaking about. Focus your mind on what they want, and take ourselves out of the picture for just a second. It sounds so easy and basic, but if we really dive deep into it we will notice ourselves constantly failing to do this. By failing to do this we are setting ourselves up for average, and we are not aiming for that.

Secondly, ask questions to better understand what they are saying. When we start to active listen this will automatically bring up more things that are being processed in our brain, and naturally this will bring up questions in our mind. Do not be afraid to ask and remember asking questions shows engagement and shows the other person that we care to understand. If someone sees that you care they are more likely to respond in a positive way. This is a very small step that can take this in a whole new grand and upward direction.

Lastly, be able to convey to the other what has been spoken of in the conversation, clearly and very smoothly. After a long conversation we need to be able to wrap it up and be on the same page. Whether this is sales or it is just normal conversation we need to be able to bring it all together like a piece of art. It needs to be simple yet has to have all the aspects we spoke about. If we have listened well enough we could most likely have solved a need they had.

As you can see ACTIVE LISTENING is a  big aspect in life. Whether it is our husband, wife, boss, or relative it is very important to understand what someone is trying to convey to us and show them we get it. If we can do that we can go above and beyond all the average people and be that top percentage that are the best. At the end of the day we are all striving to be the best and by following these simple steps we can easily achieve our highest goals.


Thank you for reading and enjoy your week. Remember next time you are having a conversation, really try to listen for what the other is saying and make it your primary focus. It can make a huge difference and you will notice it slowly as you improve those rusty ears!

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