Good evening peeps!
I am sure you are all thrilled because the Patriots just won the super bowl, so I won’t take you away from your after party craziness. What I do ask of you is this, give me five minutes of your time, breathe slow, kick your feet up, read these words and let them settle in. You will all love this blog trust me, and I am going to just assume that:)
Ready. Set. Go!
I think for starters when we think of assuming the close, or being assumptive people typically throw that directly into the realm of sales oriented jobs and I want to touch on that. When I started this whole blogging website I stated that this was for all people, and it is. Being assumptive and closing can help all of us in any area of life. In my mind there are a few things that all good closers have in common and these are what make them “top tiers” you could say..
Firstly, it is so important in any close to understand what the prospect or person is really looking for. Each potential buyer is different, and it is our responsibility as sellers to engage in a thorough need assessment before attempting to close the sale. The biggest mistake a seller can make is to assume he or she knows the “reasons” a customer wants or needs to buy; instead, the prudent sales advisor conducts a thorough need assessment to confirm these facts. During this “gathering of info” our goal is to identify a prospective customer’s needs, priorities, and best interests, and to offer solutions that satisfy all three. Ideally, we should never offer a solution until we are sure it is, in fact, the right solution – until we fully understand the reasons why a person or organization should buy our product or service. If you recall, this brings us back to active listening, and if we have done a great job of that we will know the reason for WHY, and the close will be easier.
Secondly, close with confidence! I have said this many times but just think about it, will someone buy from you if you sound afraid to offer it? NO. I think the biggest help for me when closing, and this will help everyone who lacks that extra confidence in closing strong, I have had people say I can do it all, but when it comes to closing I can’t assume I am too scared. Here’s a solution. Let’s just pretend that you have been specially gifted with knowledge and you know the cure to cancer. Now imagine there were three people you knew who had cancer, how confident would you be in telling them the cure? Here is the process behind my thoughts. If you act like your product is the solution, or the “cure to cancer” also known as their needs, you will naturally be assumptive and close at a much better rate. They are looking for a product and you are fulfilling their needs with what you sell.
Lastly, have the mindset of closing. You cannot be a closer if you don’t have it fixed in your brain that you will be closing every call. They did a survey in Forbes magazine in 2015 and asked top sales executives what their key to success was, and it was: “the sale has happened before I’ve even talked to the prospect” meaning, they have assumption in their blood and very nature. The most successful sellers are able to consistently execute the entire selling process in a seemingly natural style. As a result, it is common for them to honestly expect customers and prospects to buy. We MUST approach each selling opportunity with a tone, demeanor, and attitude that implies: “I am sure, that when all the facts and options are considered, you will feel most comfortable doing business with me” or, “what card can I put this on?”.
At the end of the day, approaching life in this way is what will ultimately make us the best. This can help in sales but also in our everyday life, by assuming the best and having a mind that doesn’t see “NO”, a mind that wants to “Make Us Great Again” and be the best there ever was.
Alrighty….. I promise I am done now:) Please, start assuming the sale. Be the best and tell yourself that you are, that is how you will succeed, not only seeing a huge difference in the mirror, but also in the paycheck!