Beep…. Beep…. Beep…. It’s 630am the alarm has been going off for 3 minutes. What is today? It’s a weekday, Friday. Another day, that we will do the “same old” thing. Shower, eat, get ready, work, come home, go to bed.
If we are waking up like this every day, IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE. Here is the thing folks: if we look at everyday life as the same old thing, we will never truly LIVE. We will lose that focus and drive that makes us want to pursue the END goal that we have.
The questions we must ask ourselves are: What are our end goals? And why have we become so mediocre and complacent in attaining them daily?
Do this for me. Remember the last song you heard that made you feel super happy? (If we loved it we listened to it on repeat forever).
How did you feel after listening to it for two weeks?
It became much less effective, right?
Here is the thing: when we get exposed to new sources of motivation they work like magic! However, as your mind gets used to them they become boring and lose their effect.
The question then is: HOW DO I KEEP IT GOING?!
Firstly, find new sources of motivation every day.
We live in a world where we have access to all sorts of resources. We all know ourselves the best and what will keep us motivated. Find that thing and cling on to it and DO NOT LET GO. Challenge your brain with a new article a day, or a new challenge. “A new thing a day keeps depression away!” (I am Trademarking this quote.) DO YOU!
Secondly, revisit the past.
Why is this our goal in the first place? Why did we want to pursue it and what was our motivation on day one? If you feel like what you’re doing has no purpose then you are guaranteed to have zero motivation to do it. Without meaning we feel lost, and as we search for meaning we realize it’s not really there. Without the motivation to do something we can fall into the stagnation of a crisis and burnout.
Lastly, examine yourself at the end of the day.
Spend five minutes before you “hit the hay” and see if you accomplished what you wanted. Did you have that energy to REACH THAT END? If this was your last day…. were you proud of it? Did you leave it all out on the table? If we failed, find the reason for the failure and where we went wrong, and be ready to correct it tomorrow.
If we can do these things guys, we can have a much better chance at attaining our goals and having fun getting there. Nothing is worse than feeling as if we were a robot every day. A robot with zero purpose and just robotting along :).
So, find your passion. Find your drive. Indulge in it and make it your everyday life. By doing this we keep ourselves on the straight and narrow, and make for a great life.
Be great. Be proud. Be bold.
Happy Days!