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The Jordan Rigi Blog

Value from life you can implement daily.

Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions. In this blog I will open up my heart, soul, and mind with one goal in mind: to impact your life for the better. Enjoy the ride!


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Complacency: GTFO

“I hate complacency. I play every gig as if it could be my last, then I enjoy it more than ever.”

Complacency: the killer of all ambition, drive, and motivation. It is the rotten apples of the bunch, the car on the lot that never gets sold, and the movie no-one sees.

Many of us detest change and adore routine. In today’s society, it’s simple and easy to establish a set schedule: wake up, go to work, get home, eat, go to sleep, and get ready for the weekend. This is a routine without any problems, difficulties or stresses. So why bother changing it?!

This normal, boring routine has a way to SEEP into our careers and hurt us in a negative way. Once we start to see life at work as pure bliss without any hurdles needing to be overcome, we hit issues.

What are some red flags we should beware of:

1. Stuck in Park

Rise when the rooster crows, drive to work, leave at 4 pm. Wake up. Repeat. As the years go on this becomes monotonous and quite a bore. If we are not trying to create new challenges, overcome new hurdles we will run into a brick wall. Essentially, we are the car at the stop light stuck in neutral and not going anywhere. Everyone despises that car, cause it affects them as well from moving forward.

2. Blame Game

Issues may arise at work, or even at home. You have now decided that everything that happens is everyone’s fault but yours. It’s the lead, it’s the manager’s fault, it was NEVER you. You have become a car with no battery, dead to all. Your complacency has corrupted you into thinking this.

3. Your Work is Meaningless

Complacency has kicked in after a year, the work we are doing now is no longer a passion. “Hey, this is Barbara WHAT DO YOU WANT?” We are no longer excited or have any spark. We are the firework that will never go off cause no-one buys us from the shelf. We are boring and have lost that BANG.

If some of these red flags are showing up in our daily dose of life we need to really sit back and say: WHAT AM I DOING!?!? How can I fix it? When did this complacency all start?

Complacency is a major issue for people. There are no quick fixes; however, there are many tools that can help you succeed. What I want you to do is find your issues that you have and write them down. See where this all stems from, going back to the foundation of the issue. Keep those in your pocket and read my next blog where I will talk about, ways to kill complacency from our lives.

The first step to any problem is seeing that it exists. Do that and you are one step ahead of the game!

Hope this helps. Have a happy Friday, everyone:) If you liked it please share!

Happy days! #rigiout

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