Good morning everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend, and I hope that your new year resolutions are going well. I have been completely swamped with school and work so I haven’t had a chance to post any blogs recently. On a side note, in about one month I will be doing Vlogs (video blogs); I am very excited and cannot wait!!!
But for now, grab your morning coffee, put on your specs, and let’s roll baby!!
In the workplace and in our everyday life, from the second we wake up until the moment we go to bed, we run through a certain daily routine. For some of us it might be the same thing everyday, and for others it could be a whole new thing. Regardless of the situation, there is one thing that we need to be doing everyday, and that is: KEEPING A CONSISTENT SCHEDULE. In an article by Paul Gigot he says: “By being consistent in our everyday doings, you will become less stressed, able to accomplish more things in a timely manner, and be more productive and happy.” Who is going to say no to becoming more happy?! Not me.
Here’s the thing folks, at the end of the day consistency is a habit. Now as we may or may not know, habits can be either good or bad. There are pros and cons just like with anything in life. The negative side causes us to be consistently inconsistent. This results in being late, procrastinating, continually forgetting things, and neglecting to do the things we promise to do for our coworkers, family, and even our spouses. Now the positive side to creating a good habit of being consistent is, being productive in the workplace, getting the job done on time, and following through that sales process every time. All these things done right each time, will necessarily create better numbers and more productivity. Remember the saying, ‘if you do something consistently for 21 days it becomes a habit’.
If you want to exercise consistently you have to do it everyday or by whatever schedule and with in whatever time frame you set for yourself. You must make the time, which means you have to consistently manage your time. If you’re going to workout everyday at a set time, then that means you will get up and do the workout. In sales this could mean you right down what you have to do in the sales flow, and follow it. Now this does not mean be a robot, but instead, have control and SEE that if you follow the call flow it actually can make a huge difference. The complete goal is to be consistent, and the reason why is because if we were to change our process or our manners of cation each day, how could we possibly be efficient and the most effective… that’s just it, we CAN’T. Consistency will create a stability in our numbers, as well as in our everyday lives.
Being consistent in the workplace does not mean changing our minds and who we are, it simply means BE YOURSELF, while incorporating the tools you can take advantage of to make you better. Just as a mechanic has specific tools for each job, so he allows himself and the tool to become one, creating a mechanism which will fix the problem and execute a repair. We can do this also in application to our own lives, and by doing so, we will get that rewarding outcome and overdue repair we’ve been waiting for.
So, write down your plan, and stick with it. Don’t stress out, but give it 21 days to form that GOOD habit, and I promise you will see and love the amazing results!
Now go enjoy another cappuccino:).