Stop. Close your eyes. Breathe. Have you actually ever taken a second to think of how awesome YOU are? Probably not! Here is my reminder to you…
Happy Labor Day my friends! A day where you get to celebrate all the hard work you do for not only yourselves but this country. I did some research and the average person works 280 days a year, that is 76% of your year you dedicate to your work, which leaves you 34% to do what with?
You see once we take a step back to look at how much we are actually putting in, we need to see what we are getting back in return. Investing over 3/4 of your life to work, you better love it and have some passion for it, otherwise one might say YOU ARE A SLAVE to your job. Yes, work is a necessity but you are better than just that. Take this day off to re-evaluate YOU and your job: see where you are at, and where you would like to be. If you are not in a happy place, if you are not on board 110% like the first day you started, figure out WHY.
Here’s the thing, our WHY is the biggest reason for anything in life. If that why is not buried deep with strong and firm roots, we will never be happy. So it’simple. Look in the mirror ask yourself WHY and if you do not have an answer that is confident and full of conviction, something is wrong.
Once we can take the complex things in life (they aren’t complex we just make them), and make them simple, life becomes much easier. We all have the opportunity for greatness and happiness, but only if we are doing what we truly love.
So all I ask you is this. Are you happy? If not, take a step back and find that happiness. If you can do this, you will put yourself back on track to WIN.
Happy Labor Day.