“How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top.”
Take a peak at those words up there folks, and let them soak in. Let them soak like the pile of dishes that have been soaking in suds for the last week in your sink:) No but for real I hope that you have been doing the dishes instead of waiting for my newest blog (remember PRIORITIES!!!).
If you take a look at life from a birds eye view, we can speculate and see so many interesting things. How things operate, how things work, how everything operates in a unique and sometimes very repetitive pattern at times as well. This pattern and fashion is something which sustains the order to so many things. Whether it is a job, the building of something, the process of a job interview. No matter what it is there is a reason and purpose to each step and how it is done. I always refer to past blogs, but it helps build a picture and story by doing so. Remember, we are supposed to build a solid foundation, and part of the foundation building requires “following the process”. You would call me crazy if I said I was going to build the roof of a house before the sides, or said I was going to drive 500 miles without filling my tank up first, or if your teacher decided to teach you calculus before basic math. Everything we do requires us as we would say “chronological order”.
You may ask “Why are processes important?” They are important because they describe how things are done, and provide the focus for making them better and how they are done determines how successful the outcomes will be. If you focus on the right processes, in the right way, you can design your way to success. Remember success is what we are aiming for and that is what will get us to the destination we which to reach. The thing we need to understand is that we have no say in the matter, whether we like it or not the process will always be there and we must accept and follow it, even if it means inconvenience to us. I will admit sometimes a process can be a pain in the neck. Some processes demand that we go through several steps to achieve a result. Some can be cumbersome or time-consuming. Some do not deal with particular situations as rapidly as a person might wish(this is a huge flaw for me, I have a personality which requires immediate results and it can be frustrating). Sometimes going through the process seems unlikely to give the result that a person desires. In all these cases, there is a temptation, sometimes a strong temptation, to act in a different way, to simply “fix” the problem as one sees it. While in some cases this may work, sticking to the process keeps CONSISTENCY which remember gives us the best chances at success when the numbers are in our favor.
Like all humans in the world, we all have weakness and not following the process can be an easy temptation. So what do we do? I will tell you guys this: by trying to go around things and cut corners we only sell ourselves short. Don’t let the devil get in your mind and tell you “Oh you don’t need to write a rough draft, or need to study to pass!!” Clip your devil ears and put your ANGEL EARS on baby, he will make us think we are gaining but in all reality we are only hurting ourselves. Cut the temptation and do it the right way and we will be happier and feel better about ourselves. It will give us a sense of accomplishment which no one can take away. Now come on who doesn’t want to feel good about themselves at the end of the work day.
I hope you see the importance of following the order of things, and how we need to really take a step back and follow a certain order. By doing so we set ourselves up for greater things and we make our lives so much easier and less stressful. I like to say ” A man with no stress, is a girl with a new dress, you feel really fresh, cause your dressed to impress.” The point being is, we can eliminate stress by doing something as easy as 1,2,3.
So go out there, put a plan together and follow it even when it might feel like it is bringing you down. Persevere, push and fight UNTIL THE END and you will see greater results and I promise you will be a happier individual.
Now go enjoy your favorite show, drink a glass of wine or whatever makes you happy! Sleep well my blogging buddies, and dream of processes…. hey don’t even get me started on the SLEEP CYCLE.