Well hello:) and I hope your New Year is going well! I have taken sometime to get school started and get into the flow of the New Year and my personal resolutions, hence why no blogs lately. I will say it has been great so far, and my resolutions are going well for the most part (whooohoooo baby). Laying off the Jack n Coke, and walking the dog has helped immensely:)
So here is the big question folks: How important is having a plan if you want to get anywhere in life? Do we need one? If so why?
It is very important to have a plan. For instance, let’s say you want to be able to bench press 300 lbs. (It can be any weight, just imagine the situation and apply it to yourself. You won’t get there randomly, or without trying. You first come up with the goal “bench press 300 lbs” and then with that goal in hand you know every day how you can slightly improve to meet that goal. How you can change your diet (carbs, calories, protein), how you can get to a gym, what increments do you need to take in order to bench that 300 lbs, which muscles need to improve (there’s a workout for each muscle that we must work on, in order to maximize our potential). And the list goes on and on…..
I have about 6 goals that I’ve written down for 2017. I look at them every day. The goals might change and I may not stick with all of them (it depends on each individual and what is going on in their life). Or I might decide halfway through that I’m only going to focus on 4 of them. But each day I come up with the plan for that day that makes significant improvement on all 6 goals. Those improvements compound in your life exponentially the way money in a bank accumulating interest does, or even how the building of the foundation of a house works. Before you know it, you are rich in the sense that you’ve achieved your plan. But without the plan, you are just flaying in the dark, with no money in your mental bank, or no roots in your home to keep it up.
Remember the foundation? Well…. yes this is crucial in the whole process, the foundation if it was built strong and prepared properly will make this part of our plan EASIER. Right now we should be following through with our resolutions at ease, and of course fighting the temptations and sticking with our plan. If you failed to plan and build the foundation at the end of 2016, you have probably stopped doing anything you said you were going to do, but its never to late to get going. Use this as an opportunity to examine why you aren’t sticking with the plan, and FOCUS on the MEANS to the END. Get your list of things you said you were going to do and prioritize. Maybe you have too much to handle and have to take a few things off. If that is the case DO IT, it would be better to do ONE GOAL awesome, then NOT doing any goals at all.
We all have the opportunity to be great, and we all have something that motivates us in the essence of our being. FIND IT, CHASE IT, AND DON’T LET IT GO! So get off the couch, put your joggers on and take a walk, figure out what you need to do in order to follow your plan, and be great. I know you all have it in you, so don’t let me or yourselves down.
Happy New Year! Be the best you can be and never put your head down.