Engines roar. Heart starting to throb. Pedal to the metal. My body flew back into the seat…and the rest is history.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of enjoying the “Nascar Driving” experience. It was an amazing time and I enjoyed it very much. The whole drive there I kept wondering what will this be like. I was very scared, but also excited. You see, my whole life has been a perception of what it would be (being a driver), and now I was stepping into it first hand.
After the day went by I returned home and I started to let the wheels spin in my head. You might say: How could you possibly compare a Nascar drive to life?! Try me :).
Here is the thing….
How often do we as humans “perceive” things and never try to get out of our bubble to actually experience them. Living life without stepping into that zone of “being uncomfortable.” In an article on Forbes they said: “68 percent of people in fact NEVERleave their comfort zone willingly.” 68 percent?! That is a high number and most of us likely contribute to it.
So the questions are: Why get out of the comfort zone? What does it do? How can it help one’s life? Take a peek…
Firstly, think about this. If you only read books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. This bubble dulls your mind and keeps us stagnant. This bubble like anything has its pros and cons. But it’s also a wall—one that separates mediocrity and greatness and that gets harder to cross the higher it goes. Get a sharp knife and break free!
Secondly, it will help us overcome our fear of the “unknown.” Science shows that we as humans fear an unknown outcome more than a known bad one. This is why bad habits are so hard to break. We have never experienced the outcome of doing what wasn’t comfortable for us. Start by doing the small things and over time we will start to see immense improvement.
Lastly, I want to make an analogy. Think of life as a toothpaste bottle, if we us it incorrectly we will not get as much out of it. If we push from the very bottom we can get every ounce that we paid for. This is life. We determine how much we will get out of it by our actions and in what order we choose. By getting out of our bubble and doing the uncomfortable we do it “the right way”. Everyday we have is so precious why not try to get everything we can!
You see, when you start to think about it in this perspective we see so many things we could be doing better. The real question is: Will we try it? How much does this mean to us?
Everything you could ever imagine is out there somewhere. You just have to open your eyes, look for it, and embrace the challenge.
So go do something new. Be courageous. Pop the bubble. And please sharethis message with someone you care about!
Happy Monday!