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Ditch those “I CAN’TS.” Dump those “WHY ME’S?” Drop those “IF ONLY’S.” Then listen. Hear that?
It’s the sound of “I can!” “I will!” “Watch me!”
Too many times in our lives are we spread by negativity, lack of being responsible, and huge IFS. Today is a new day, and all those things are going to be dropped in the past.
You see when we have an excuse for everything in life, we can never be accountable. Which makes us a sad human being to be honest, and none of us want to be that right? RIGHT!!!
So how are we going to get over this issue? It’s simple and I will show you an easy plan you can implement.
1. Identify your negative thoughts – there is no way to start unless we dig in the closet for them. Some of the thoughts will be ugly, but it’s OK, only you know them! (mine are insane)
2. Keep a thought journal – write them all down so they are tangible and can be seen. As you achieve and get rid of them, cross them off. (I love crossing out negative stuff)
3. Focus on the positive – when you hear the voice in your head say something negative, breathe, and find something positive in the moment to think about
4. Examination of your day – before you fall asleep think of the positive things that happened and SMILE because you rock! (do this after you scroll through Facebook for 45 minutes)
It’s so crazy I know, but sometimes the steps to change these little habits, are SO EASY. I mean how hard is it to follow this 4-step plan? NOT AT ALL.
So, pick up your chin. Smile. Flick the negative monster off your shoulder and stomp it in the ground.
Today’s about good vibes. Positive thoughts. YOU reaching a whole new level.