There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Crazy right?! What’s even crazier is the amount of time we spend thinking on the negative qualities in others.
I recently watched a video of a student who was drawing up math problems on a chalkboard. He did 4 multiplication problems which I have written down below.
2 x 2 = 4 2 x 3 = 7 2 x 4 = 8 2 x 5 = 10
After he wrote them on the board, the students laughed. He asked them why, and they stated he had done one of them wrong. While yes, they were right, he had messed up, why did they only point out the negative? Why didn’t anyone focus on the three he got correct?
How often do we actually take the extra few seconds to get a sense of what’s inside other people – especially their good qualities? For some reason we as humans are so focused on the negative qualities in people, that we lose sight of what’s good.
How the heck can we fix this mindset and start looking at people for the good they do. Well I will show you in 3 simple steps.
1. Slow down – Get out of your race-car and breathe. When we are going 110 mph and never take a second to open our eyes to look around, we will never take the time to see the positive in others.
2. Recognize we are all human –We all mess up; next time think about the last mistake you made and how it felt, before you criticize.
3. Bite your lip – Digest your thoughts before you throw out words. Half the time the negative comes out first, by doing this we prohibit it from happening.
One last thing which is important to note. Recognize that the GOOD you see in others is also in YOU! You, too, have positive intentions, a kind heart, a good will. These qualities are all things we as humans have, it’s just making sure we LOOK for them!
Once again, these steps are so simple to implement when we take a step back to look at them from afar.
So, take your goggles to the car-wash. Get them cleaned. Start looking from a positive lens! Once we can do that, people become a beautiful thing.
Be loving. Be kind. Be empathetic.