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The Jordan Rigi Blog

Value from life you can implement daily.

Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions. In this blog I will open up my heart, soul, and mind with one goal in mind: to impact your life for the better. Enjoy the ride!


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🙏How Tragedy Can Help Us Become United and Strong🙏

Prayers and condolences for all those who lost a beloved one on this day…

Why are tragedies happening in the world so often? How is that so many people can die in one instant? Questions we all ask ourselves, especially on tragic days of history and sadness.

The truth is, everything happens for a reason, both the good and the bad. The one thing that is in our power though, is how we let it affect us, WE the people determine how an event will impact our lives.

So, on this sad day, I want to bring a happy light. One that will make you smile and unite us together as one for years to come.

This tragic event of 9/11 will make us closer. It will unite us as people. It will be a day that we can forget the flaws of others and the things that drive us crazy, and UNITE as ONE strong family.

However, I want this to be different my friends!

Instead, I want you to carry this mindset and perspective into the days following as well. You see as humans, we tend to do a great job of coming together when something bad happens (at that moment), yet every other day we become distant. We become torn apart and scattered as the days go by, not looking around to see how special everyone really is around us.


This world is beautiful and it’s because of YOU, it’s because of the PEOPLE surrounding you. PLEASE don’t take it for granted. Just like those who were on that plane, and in that tower, didn’t know it would be their last day, we never know when ours will be.

So, what I am asking is simple.

LOVE those around you. Be UNITED with them. PROTECT them like family. TREATthem as you would YOURSELF.

If we can all adapt to this, we will slowly see small differences, that will make a HUGE impact.

Are you willing to make that change, and carry it on forever? I am.

God Bless You All.

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