You know that feeling when all our decisions are made for what others think? When we are constantly being worried about what our neighbor might say? This is an issue as humans we all run into, and personally for myself this happens more than I would like it to.
So, how can we get rid of this mindset? We can do it by making sure our love for authenticity is stronger than our need for approval.
Get honest with yourself. Don’t try to BS your way through it!
ASK YOURSELF: Are you making decisions from a place of who you are or how you feel others want you to be?
You see we can’t possibly be the greatest if our focus is on other people, and what their thoughts are. If we do that our priorities become flawed. We start to invest all our energy into their approval and yes, that we forget to try to do what is really in our best interest.
At the end of the day we must realize that people and their opinions and approvals, only can bear so much weight. Think about it like this, if I were to let my competitor and their employees’ opinions be the reason for why I work my job, and only to get their APPROVAL, I will never succeed. Instead I will fail and be miserable while at it!
So, take a step back. Think to yourself, is our love for authenticity stronger than our need for approval. If it is not, self-reflect and make it happen.
Be great. Be you. Be the best.