When is the last time you heard someone say, “I really need to be more accountable for my results?” Not very often. We live in a society that pushes accountability off a cliff, a world where we point a finger in every direction, but towards ourselves. We all have the ability to hold ourselves accountable yet we don’t.
The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one; understanding that there is an opportunity for growth and becoming better, even if it is only a tad. In order for us to become accountable we must do one thing: Let our ACTIONS rise above our EXCUSES.
How can we do this? Well, there are several ways and the order in which we implement them is crucial.
First, set a clear and specific goal. Carol Dweck says in her book Mindset: “Extraordinary results can only be achieved when you are clear about what matters most.” Setting a goal that is clear, and not hard to understand, so as to be made sense of by any given stranger perceiving it. So many times we see people setting these ‘goals’ yet there is no direction to them. A bunch of darts thrown blindly in the air, hoping they hit the bullseye.
Second, examine your work at the end of every day. Did I achieve what I set out to do? Was I distracted right off of my track of determination? Yes, I agree everyday life happens, and there are mountains which can prevent us from reaching our goal. However are these mountains obstinately reoccurring? If they are, we are doing something wrong and must do everything in our power to overcome them.
Last but not least, and most importantly is the accountability factor. We have either accomplished all of our goals, or we have missed the target and let some of our darts fall. If we are the average human we probably fell short and didn’t bother persisting in our efforts. Well here is the thing, while we may have fallen short and shown we are human, we have a chance to step it up and do the not so human thing. We can hold ourselves accountable for not reaching our goal and nailing that bullseye. No matter how brilliant our plan or how important our goal, nothing will happen until we own our quest. It’s hard to admit failure but the beauty is owning defeat, makes us stronger. It creates a strong urge and necessary pride to do and be better the next day. We are David, and accountability is Goliath. The underdog we will always be, but who doesn’t want the underdog to win?
If we can just start out with these baby steps, we can create an amazing opportunity for ourselves. What was once a pile of excuses and nothing accomplished, becomes a strong fortress to build on. Seeing that fortress is hard because it seems so distant to us, but with time it will necessarily become a reality.
Set Your Goal. Examine Yourself Every day. Take accountability, own it, and everything that touches it. If we can do this, down goes Goliath, and victoriously stands a better you.
“The benefits and possibilities that are created by being personally accountable are countless.”
Just do it.