The past. That dreadful word that we sometimes hear from people when we are trying to move forward in life.
Why do people like to dwell on it? I am not sure, but today’s blog will help you PUT THE PAST IN THE PAST.
In my life personally, I have had a crazy past… One full of mistakes, issues, flaws you name it, it’s there. The thing is I can do nothing about it. It’s done and the only thing I can do is move forward and learn from it. Unfortunately, there are these “past bringer up” types of people. People who tend to forget their issues and dwell on yours. People who have probably made WORSEmistakes than you but feed off yours. People who forget that others have feelings, and how they can hurt others by doing this.
Don’t worry about them. For real, let them talk all they want. Here’s the thing, the past will only screw up your future. So, I want you to do two things: Drop the past and drop the people who live in your past.
Well, it’s simple. We all have a certain amount of life to live. We all have a certain amount of potential we can reach. If we are constantly thinking and dwelling on things that cannot be changed, we are going backward.
The only thing that matters is that you are LEARNING from your faults and trying to get better. That you are learning to not make the same mistakes as you did. Will it be easy? NO. It will be a life-long struggle, but the idea that you are trying and putting in the effort is all that matters.
Don’t let the past intimidate you. Don’t let people use it to bring you down.
Drop the past. Drop those people. Just drop it (sorry Nike).
The present is here, and the future awaits!