A word used by people everyday without knowing the true definition. What are they to people? How can we set realistic ones?
If you need a refresher….. you might want to read this blog to find out:).
They did a study at Harvard University 40 years ago. Researchers polled the graduating class to find out how many students actually had written goals and plans to achieve them. Being a class of intelligent people at one of the world’s best universities, you’d expect the answer to be most of them.
Not even close. In fact, only 5 percent of the class had taken the time to write down their goals.
Now here comes the interesting part. Some 20 years later, researchers polled this same group of graduates to see how they had fared in life. Turned out that the 5 percent who had written down their goals had accumulated more wealth than the other 95 percent of their class combined! Researchers reported that these people also seemed healthier and happier than their classmates. Health and happiness is what we are all in pursuit of right? I would say YES.
As I saw this article it made me think about myself and others. I wondered if achieving your goals could be that easy. Put in writing what you want and focus on it daily?
Well, it may not be super easy, but over the years we can achieve it. We all need to see our goals and know where we want to be on a daily basis. It is so crucial in the process and it gives us a grand scheme of things and where we need to be at. Start with the daily and as time progresses it will become a habit, which continues our whole life.
So write your goals and put them in a visible area that you see everyday. Focus on those MEANS that will help us achieve that END. Heck put it on your toothbrush, I mean we should all be brushing our teeth everyday right?!
Rise to the challenge. Be yourself. Never give-up. Be great.
Happy Wednesday!