Pause your Christmas movie, put your glasses on: It’s a Christmas Eve blog!
Firstly, Merry Christmas to all:)
As we prepare for the holiday and all the food and the gifts and the people and the whole scene, we pause to think……..What all goes into getting this put together?! Think about it the stores that are decorated, the trees, the cities all decked out, even the trees that were nurtured for months in preparation to be Christmas trees for thousands of homes. So many exciting and lovely things, but all we ever see is the END. Do we ever sit and think about what it took to get to that end result? Rarely. And folks we need to seriously consider this.
Last blog we spoke of the importance of the foundation and the building of it, and that goes hand in hand with preparation. To prepare is to set ourselves up for success. We all know the feeling of last minute shopping, or waking up without time to get ready for work, IT’S NOT THE SAME. Psychologically we tell ourselves we aren’t ready all day, and that crushes our chance to be at 110 percent. Life is all about beating the odds and we always want to have the upper hand ALWAYS. Preparing and being fully ready will give us that edge over others, and will set us apart. Like I said, people are constantly observing so we need to be at the top, and on a consistent basis.
I still remember to this day not long ago that I failed to prepare my dinner I was going to cook, I kept putting it off and soon it was too late. I had promised my mother I was going to cook, so you can imagine that. The thing is it wasn’t so much her being upset about me not cooking, it was the principle that I said I would and I didn’t, because the chicken was not thawed. She said “Jordan, you need to learn to prepare things and be better at executing and doing things you say, because failing to do so affects everyone around you as well.”
The fact that I failed to make diner had a whole whirlwind of repercussions, and lets just say I was in the dog house till I bought her a Diet Pepsi. When we start to see how the things we do hurts others and not just us, that is when we start to change. If that means getting up earlier to get ready for work, or putting the dishes in the dishwasher the night before. We all know what we can do to prepare better for many things, we need to just do it and stick with it.
So guys and girls, prepare for goodness sakes!!! It’s almost the New Year, grab a paper and pen and prepare for the new year and what your goals are, where do you want to be in 6 months from now and get a step ahead of the game. When we prepare we see huge difference, PREPARE like it’s the day of your wedding, and trust me NO ONE wants to mess that day up (unless of course your in-laws are crazy then maybe).
Once again, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and remember prepare just a little and I promise you will see a huge difference.