Top of the morning people of the world!
I hope this interaction we encounter although it may be online through words, brings you much success or at least “a “better outlook”. There is much to be said about this so called “brick wall” in life, whether it be in our career, our relationships, or just our perspectives in general. Does it really exist? Is it strictly a mental thing? Well, to be honest……. Here are my thoughts.
The inspiration for this blog came from a scenario at work (how coincidental). I overheard someone speaking and then an individual commented about me and then directly said: “Wait till he hits a brick wall.” Now usually I don’t get fired up, but for some reason this triggered me. I was not triggered because he was speaking about me negatively, it was in regards to the statement itself. Life is hard. Life in sales is even harder. Listen up peeps! THERE IS NO BRICK WALL UNLESS WE CREATE IT OURSELVES. This so called “wall” is slowly built day by day by having the incorrect mindset, and by us thinking failure is waiting around the corner.
Here is the thing guys: negativity is contagious and it is something you do not want in the sales office or in your life. How can we possibly succeed thinking failure is around the corner: WE CANNOT. So how can we help get rid of it? There are several things we can do although it may not be a walk in the park. If we can build this so called “wall” over time, we can surely take it down as well. You are probably wondering how….. so here are a few things I think might help.
Don’t kill yourselves to be this superhuman, but instead try tackling the smaller task first. If you are in the slumps or not feeling so hot find some smaller easier tasks that you can accomplish and by doing so this can instill a momentum of confidence in yourself. This hopefully will cause a snowball effect and turn into a blizzard!!
Change your environment. This can be as simple as reorganizing your desk and cleaning it up. Maybe switching things up and around, or even switching your location in the office. Are you next to people who encourage and lift you up, or are you next to the debbie downers of the office. Debbie downers are THEY, and I recommend you stay away from them.
Lastly, analyze other successful people’s ideas and make them your own. If you see someone doing well, talk to them, pick their brain. It is always good to look at those who are succeeding and try to imitate it (just make sure to remember every personality is different) so when doing this it is crucial to incorporate your style with it.
By doing these things it indirectly takes your mind off the infamous “wall” we have built and it can help us focus on moving forward and not staying neutral. If we take our mind off negativity and look towards the end with confidence and a killer mindset it can effect us in ways we couldn’t imagine. So throw the wall away and and use the bricks to build something sexy, like the Statue of Liberty or I don’t know…