Typically, if you are like most humans, we get stuck in a rut. Our daily routine becomes a boring ride at the theme park, that no longer excites us. What if I told you I found a way to bring us back to the first day we went to that park! A way to bring back an excitement that ignites passion and a foundation.
Well, I did.
You see, I recently found myself in the boat of mediocrity. A spot where I was moving backward. Once I recognized I was in this rut, I knew something had to be done. I stuck my nose in some books, watched some videos, talked to an influential person, and it all led to one thing: A MORNING RITUAL.
I found article after article (http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-people-share-morning-routines-2015-4), showing successful people and their morning routines and said to myself: “IF THEY ARE DOING IT, WHY CAN’T I?”
Many successful people have a morning ritual. For some of them, it’s meditations. For others, it’s exercise. The point is not so much the activity itself as it is the ritualized reflection. Taking a brief moment to look inward and see where we are and what our goals are. Is our mindset still growth, or have we started to lose that focus?
For myself, I decided I would start a routine that had a holistic approach, challenging me mentally physically and psychologically.
I am now about two months into this and it has been life-changing (while that may be a short amount of time, it’s the first step that counts). I have more energy, I have more drive, and ultimately, I feel like I have more PURPOSE. This my friends is what we all lose sight of after grinding day in and day out.
PURPOSE is what makes us humans and not robots.
PURPOSE is what creates passion and fire.
PURPOSE is what creates emotion, which creates MOTION.
So, I challenge you all, to lay out a plan. Put together a morning ritual that will challenge you and help you with your goals. I promise you that by doing this, you will live a more meaningful life, and by doing so, YOU can change others. Imagine that you could change a person’s life and mindset. It’s a beautiful thought!
Go change others’ lives and ROCK ON!
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