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The Jordan Rigi Blog

Value from life you can implement daily.

Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions. In this blog I will open up my heart, soul, and mind with one goal in mind: to impact your life for the better. Enjoy the ride!


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What do you say to yourself when you’re feeling really confident?

What do you say to yourself when you’re feeling really confident?

We all have our moments of greatness and confidence, where we are the spotlight and we are at 110%. The issue is that we forget those great moments, and let the bad ones take over. WHY do we do this? Because we let our weak moments take over the great. Either because we have a weak will power, we have a negative attitude, or are just affected by the way the world around us is.

So, what I want you to do is this.

Speak your confidences more! Say them now!

Time and time again, I talk about life and how short it is. We truly don’t have time to let the bad times weigh us down. So, every time you succeed and are feeling awesome, remember that confidence that you have in you! Savor it, throw it in a bottle and lock it up for the next time you might need it!

By doing this we become the CONFIDENCE GURU, and we don’t let hard times get us down. Think of it like this. If I am driving down the road and know there is a speed-bump coming up, I will slow down and approach it with care so as not to hurt myself or damage my car. When we have this “confidence” stored up, when we know we are entering a difficult task or job or time, we can pull it out, and have it ready for the hard task! Not only are we prepared now, but we will CRUSH this task/ job, without any hesitations or negativity.

It’s not super difficult, in fact nothing in life is (we just tend to make it difficult out of stubbornness).

So, breathe. Take a step back. Pull out your binoculars and find that CONFIDENCE. Once you do, LOCK it up and store it.

I know you can be the best, it just takes that CONFIDENCE!

Be Confident. Be Brave. Be a Rockstar.

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