Be kind to people on the way up - you'll meet them again on your way down.
One of the things I have been blessed and fortunate enough to witness in life is: responding with kindness. Growing up my parents always showed a great example of this, and since they did, I have taken it all in like a sponge and it is in my foundation and very roots. I have had several people ask me, how do you stay nice or not get upset? Not only how, but why? Well if you are a person who has an open mind and wants to learn this kindness technique, keep reading.
Think of the last time you saw someone say something cruel to a person (when I say cruel I mean legitimately cruel and wasn’t a form of a joke). Typically, after someone says something cruel, the response we think or say is: “how the heck could they say something like that?”. Have you ever seen an impatient person or someone that is upset and instead of mirroring his behavior back, you act in kindness and don’t let them get the best of you? Instead of letting them dictate your behavior you stick to your guns and kill them with kindness.
One thing I have noticed is that the only thing we can control in this life is our actions. We can’t tell others how to act, what to say, or even how they should treat others. Unfortunately, that’s just how life works, and at the end of the day humans will be humans. That being said…
Be a kind person. Yes, even to jerks. Let them be jerks. You be a kind person.
But… why be kind to jerks? Why treat someone nice that has done nothing but the opposite to you? Why be nice?
Well for a couple reasons.
1. Kindness conquers all - If we allow a negative person to elicit an equally negative response to them, they are winning, and that just makes my gears grind! WE WANT KINDNESS TO WIN! Don’t give into the temptation and the dark side, of stooping to their level! Let kindness prevail.
2. Stay true to yourself – Yes, I bet it would feel so good to comeback at someone with hatred and cruel words, but that is not who you truly are. Be the better person and it will return threefold.
3. Everyone is watching – Words can never be taken back. So, remember what you say cannot be unsown. People will take your words and exaggerate them or twist them into something you may not have truly said. If you are being kind, you’ll never have to worry though.
So next time somebody says something cruel to you, or you have the opportunity to be cruel back, remember this: you have a choice. You’re at the fork in the road, which way are you going to go?
Be kind. Be cool. Don’t be a jerk.